Another alleged murderer has gotten bail. 22 year old Ernesto Vasquez is the 21st accused person to get bail in the past 11 months.
He is charged with the murder of 30 year old Herbert Bodden, and was offered a bail of $40,000 today by Justice Herbert Lord. Vasquez's attorney, Oscar Selgado, submitted that Vasquez has been on remand for 3 years and no date has been set for his trial.
Selgado submitted that the delay was unreasonable and it was a violation of his right to a trial within a reasonable time. The Crown, represented by Crown Counsel, Janelle Tillett, did not object to bail.
Bodden, an auto mechanic, was shot and killed in broad daylight on February 26, 2015, on Cedar Street while he was lying on the street repairing a vehicle.
Vasquez has the usual bail condition, including a curfew and reporting to the police station. He is also not to interfere with the witnesses.
And the 22nd accused murder to have gotten bail, also did so today. He is a 17 year old minor who was granted $40,000 Supreme Court bail.
The student was only 15 when he was accused of killing 31-year-old Godfrey Hemsely in March 2016.
Today at his bail application the minor was represented by attorney, Leeroy Banner.
According to Banner, the minor was only 15 and in second form when he was charged for murder and for the last 13 months he has been sitting behind bars awaiting a trial date for the old murder.
According to Leeroy Banner, the minor has intention of returning to school as he secured his bail today.
Judge Lord granted him bail in the sum of $40,000 plus one surety of the same which he met before the end of today.