Deputy Prime Minister Faber held the UDP line: that they would love to obey the court, but government simply cannot find 95.6 million dollars to pay the Ashcroft Alliance:
Hon. Patrick Faber, Collet Area Rep.
"We find ourselves in a final position where the court is saying that yes you need to pay this money. But I am sure in the same wisdom that the court is saying you need to pay that money in that very same wisdom the court will understand and sympathized with this honorable house and the Belizean people when we say that we absolutely cannot afford to pay. It will come at the cost of the human suffering of the people of this country. We absolutely cannot afford to pay. So, I want to say that I have the greatest respect for the Caribbean Court of Justice. But all due respect to them, I am unable to support this appropriation bill to pay that debt. We simply cannot afford it."