38 year-old Edward Barona, who has been on remand awaiting trial, became the 24th accused murderer since last year to get Supreme Court bail.
His petition went before Justice Francis Cumberbatch today, and the judge heard submissions from his attorney Oscar Selgado. He told the court that Barona, a resident of Kraal road, was arraigned for the murder of 25 year-old Byron Estrada on June 27, 2013. He was then indicted in the Supreme Court on September 2014, and in the 4 years since, the state has not done anything to bring his case to a trial date. Selgado also asserted that Barona maintains his innocence, and he is confident that at the conclusion of his trial, whenever it actually takes place, he will be exonerated. Selgado also added that Barona’s constitutional right to a fair trial within a reasonable time has been breached, and that he is entitled to bail.
The judge heard from Crown Counsel Killeru Awich, who did not object to bail, and so the judge granted his petition. Barona has been offered bail in the some of $40,000.
Viewers will remember that in the early morning hours of January 26, 2013, Byron Estrada, a resident of San Pedro, was found dead inside the island night club, Daddy Rock. He had been stabbed 22 times, and police say that Barona did it.