Going to Chetumal got a whole lot more complicated in the past few weeks. That's because the Mexican authorities are now enforcing regulations which state that all private vehicles must have Mexican insurance in order to drive legally in Chetumal or anywhere in Mexico. That insurance is now available on the Mexican side for a little more than a dollar an hour, sold at $12.50 for half day, or 25 dollars for a day.
The Mayor of Orange Walk Kevin Bernard has put out his own announcement on it:..
Voice of: Kevin Bernard, OW Mayor
"I just got a call from the Honorary Counsel in Chetumal and to clear the air on this issue with insurance let me tell you that it is declared that all private vehicle need to pay insurance - all vehicles going to Chetumal has to pay the insurance. The reason why the immigration are telling people that they can come without the insurance is because the law makers have no identify which institution will implement the law, whether it is the police, whether it is the immigration, whether it is traffic authorities in municipality there in Chetumal. The next thing they have not decided on is what would have been the fine if you don't have an insurance and then they don't know where to pay the fine. So those are the 3 things they are working on today in congress as we speak. So the Honorary Counsel has informed me to inform everybody who I know to please make sure that if you are going to Chetumal take your insurance, otherwise you can be fined and you can be jailed."
The agreement came into force in October of last year - but is just now being enforced.