Today the Belize Climate Change office hosted a regional meeting at the Biltmore. Representatives from several Central American countries attended. The main focus was to assess the regional strategy and discuss ways to improve it. The Chief Climate Change office Lennox Gladden told us more.
Lennox Gladden, Head, National Climate Change Office
"As you know Belize holds the presidency for SICA currently, today's event focuses mainly on climate change, whereby we have the regional climate change focal points from Nicaragua, from Panama, they all came today to discuss just that and to review the regional climate change strategy."
"What we are trying to look at is the specific sectors, well we know a lot of sectors are affected by climate change so we are looking at what is being done in those sectors and how we can build resilience in those sectors."
Courtney Weatherburne, reporter
"Could you give me an example or maybe a scenario in terms of one of the sectors, how you can improve in terms of that?"
Lennox Gladden
"Okay I will give you an example which is dear to us like for example looking at water resource management, we have what is known as the dry corridor in Central America and what some of the countries are facing is almost a case whereby like a seasonal migration because when there is a drought, the families lose their livelihood so they have to move from one location to the other, that comes at a cost so we are looking at how we can improve management in the region and of course enhance coordination because water resource does not only affect agriculture, it affects health, when you look at potable water so that is one of the examples you can probably hone in on as it relates to how we are trying to build a level of resilience."
After the meeting, the climate change team will work on implementing the regional strategy.