A 72 year old man was almost burnt alive in his home last night. It happened after 8:00 on Jimmy Dyer Street on Fabers Road Extension. Delvino Vasquez was inside his home sleeping when his house caught on fire. A man alerted him and he was able to get out in time. We spoke to a helpful neighbor off camera.
Voice of: Neighbor
"I was in my room already laying down on my bed when I heard my daughter yelled fire. So I came outside. We all ran down the steps, but I went straight to the pipe to get a bucket that was already filled. But when I came to the gate, the fire was already blazing. So I didn't even bother to throw the water. One of the neighbors called the fire service and then we just waited, but during the time when the fire started the neighbor was in the house, but at the same time a BDF soldier was passing and he helped the man out of the house and so he came out and just watch the house go up in flames."
"As you said, that elderly man was sitting in the same chair. He was asleep inside the house."
Voice of: Neighbor
"Yes. He was asleep at the door. He didn't realize the house was on fire until the other man came to help him and made him come out."
"Some of the boys here in the neighborhood says that a candle started the fire?"
Voice of: Neighbor
"I think that's what one of my children's friends said too. He sad when they were going to the shop earlier before it started, they saw a candle at the window. The man it seems lit the candle and place it at the window and it seems like from there it caught the curtain that was at the window."
As you heard, a lit candle started the fire.