7 News Belize

The Teachers’ Hardship List Is Still Not Finalized
posted (October 18, 2018)

For the last few weeks, you’ve been hearing all about the differences between the BNTU and the Ministry of Education. They’re arguing over which teachers qualify for hardship allowances. That’s a monthly stipend of one to two-hundred dollars for teachers who have to slog through rough terrain or traverse long distances to get to work. 

The Ministry - led “Joint Education Staff Relations Council” has been doing a review of those hardship allowances with stakeholders - including the BNTU - since April.  They’re re-assessing which schools qualify for hardship in 2018 - since the last hardship list was generated in the year 2000. 

The Ministry moved to wrap up the process in September, and the BNTU reacted angrily.  The BTNU says that some schools which were cut from the list, or had their allowances reduced, have been unfairly disenfranchised. 

During the heated back and forth, the Ministry re-opened the discussion on the hardship list.  They offered both the managing authorities of schools and the BNTU the opportunity to submit additional recommendations full implementation of the revised list by the end of this month.

That meeting was to happen yesterday at a meeting of The Joint Education Staff Relations Council.  Senior ministry personnel were there to further review the re-categorization of hardship schools and time-off for payday.

But, the BNTU did not make any presentations - which is just what Elena Smith told us they would do last Friday.  She explained why:..

Hon. Elena Smith - President, BNTU
"Look at this list, imagine us justifying all of these things via email or a letter. You won't do justice in a written form, so it's best that we sit, both parties sit, we discuss the matter and see - okay I can understand your point, alright I can meet you half way here, you meet he halfway there and we agree on this and try to do those things."

A release from the Ministry says as much, noting quote, “the BNTU representative indicated that they were not in a position to offer any specific considerations. Instead, the Union has asked that a meeting of its branch level leaders and officials of the Ministry be held, so that specific recommendations can be adequately ventilated.” End quote.  

A Ministry spokesperson says they have agreed to that request, but no time or venue has been announced.

And, in the meantime…. The implementation of the new hardship list is postponed.  The Ministry’s statement says, quote, “The matter of finalizing the re-categorization of schools and time-off for pay day continues to be a work in progress. In the meantime, previous arrangements for hardship allowances and time-off for pay day remain in effect.”  End quote. 

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