And while the word is no from his party so far - might the party leaders be more flexible with a sweetener - as in campaign financing to get the vote our for the referendum?
Briceno discussed this possibility:…
"Is this a mechanism that you would be open to accepting as it were financing from the ICJ campaign to mobilize voters?"
Hon. John Briceno, Leader of the Opposition
"Well it's something that I would have to discuss with my executive. But it would be something to consider, but they can't give us money and tie our hands. They can't say we will give you money to take out the yes vote. If they are going to give us monies to be able to mobilize people to go to the polls, it is something that we are prepared to consider, but we need to see the fine print that if you will give us one dollar, you will not give the UDP $5 dollars and that there has to be accountability that the money was spent for that other than they save it for something else."
"Don't you feel that doing it that way would in a sense politicize the voting, which is what you are running away from."
Hon. John Briceno, Leader of the Opposition
"Probably. Do you have any ideas how to take out the vote on that day?"
"Leave it to the experts - the political parties are proven experts at that. That is one thinking. We know in fact the people who are providing these funds "The friends of Belize"..."
Hon. John Briceno, Leader of the Opposition
"They said no, they do not give monies to political parties."