But there's no "happily ever after" for the UDP's convention post mortem. The Port Area Rep says the party allowed the PUP to infiltrate the convention and dictate the outcome.
Deputy Faber who was on the winning side of the equation concedes that there was some slippage:...
Jules Vasquez- Reporter
"Do you accept the interpretation that PUP's infiltrated and in fact dominated the outcome of the Port Loyola convention?"
Hon. Patrick Faber
"I wouldn't say so. I feel, of course, that I do agree that our party can take very limited opportunities to block out those really hardcore PUP's like those who are on the central executive of the PUP or on the executive committees of the constituencies and those who..."
Jules Vasquez
"Or Gilroy Usher's children?"
Hon. Patrick Faber
"Yes, certainly that should have been done in my view. But there is a process to that mark off list. You can't just have one person or two persons, for that matter, striking off people."