So while that's the UDP affairs on the larger scale, on a smaller one, the UDP will have it's standard bearer convention in Lake Independence this Sunday. It is a three-cornered race between Diane Finnegan, former City Council employee Cecil Jenkins, and former City Councilor Jason Edwards. Finnegan would appear to be the frontrunner to move on to challenge P.U.P. incumbent Cordel Hyde. But as Edwards told us when we caught up with him today during final campaigning, he has an ace in the hole - or rather two. The first is his long-standing work in the area and the second is a heavyweight endorsement - from his brother-in-law and undefeated boxer, Jarrell "Big Baby" Miller. Miller is in Belize and making a visit to support Edwards and the plan is to deliver a double knockout on Sunday.
The convention begins at 9 a.m. at Sadie Vernon High School and ends at five. The U.D.P. will also be holding a convention in Cayo South. As for the champ, he told us he is looking forward to a big money fight with one of the top-rated heavyweight contenders in 2019.