And while Mai fusses about inequity and claims of political cronyism, Elodio Aragon, Area Rep for Orange Walk East, told us via phone today that there is just simply not enough money to go around and that it was the Ministry of Work’s which ultimately decided, based on necessity, who gets what. Â
Hon. Elodio Aragon- UDP Area Rep, Orange Walk East
"I know that of course we would like to see every single feeder road in Orange Walk District fixed. The reality is that this is something the Government does to support the cane farmers. This is only one part of supporting the cane farmers. You have the fuel that is duty free that goes toward assisting the cane farmers likewise. But when it comes to the road conditions, like I said, it is an assessment being done by the Ministry of Public Works, after which a contract is given out for those roads to be fixed. I know that Abelardo Mai is there concerned about where these monies will be allocated to but definitely, you know, $150 thousand in reality, when you think about that going towards feeder roads that is not a lot of money. But it goes towards repairing those roads that are needed the most. I can tell you right now off the bat, in the East constituency we have a lot, a majority of our cane farmers are there. We don’t have no highways in these rural areas where cane are to be taken out, and so this is where the allocation is much more needed. I don’t say that the South doesn’t need. Everyone I think that has cane needs because people have feeder roads. But right now the money is not a great deal of money. A $150 thousand no run nowhere, mih breda. That is just there to get our feeder roads operational so that our cane farmers can have easier access from cane field to the factory."
Unofficial estimates of sugar roads in Orange Walk East put the number at 50 miles but Jose Mai says his is bigger with an estimated 34 cane roads covering 267 miles, serving 719 cane farmers who produce 200 thousand tons of sugar cane.Â