A teenager attempted to bamboozle police and a gas company in Santa Elena town so that he mad off with over $2 thousand in cash but his plans backfired.
19 year old Israel Baldera, a watchman and gas attendant at Western Gas Company Ltd, reported to police on New Year's Eve that he was robbed. Baldera said that around 11:30 pm while walking to the gate of the compound a black car with tinted windows drove in and parked under the dispatching area. He claims two men with masks got out of the vehicle and demanded that he hand over the money.
However, police investigations revealed that he had fabricated the story. Police say a known taxi driver visited and purchased gas around 8 pm. The said taxi driver then agreed with Baldera that he would return at 11:30 and pretend he robbed Baldera.
Police also say Baldera ran into the wall of the building and hit his forehead to make the story a little more believable. But police saw right through his act.
Yesterday Baldera was arraigned at the San Ignacio Magistrate's Court under charges of theft and mischievous act. Baldera was fined $2,000 plus $5 court costs for theft and an additional $200 plus $5 court costs for mischievous act to be paid by the 30th of December 2019. In default of both payments he could serve up to 1 year and two months in prison.