The FCD has a huge protected area to cover and with very limited man power. To make ends meet, the Protected Areas Conservation Trust recently made a handsome donation to the non-profit conservation organization. Executive Director Rafael Manzanero told us today how those monies will be disbursed and how they will be used to further their conservation efforts along the western border.
Rafael Manzanero, Executive Director
"We basically at FCD we received approximately 1.3 million dollars for the next 3 years. So technically that is using about $400,000 every year from PACT funds and that will be used primarily for having the rangers on the ground. The idea really is to maintain the presence in those STPs. There are practically some 7 conservation post in the Chiquibul and so we need to manned them to be able to mobilize them, to trained them - those are the areas that the funding came from. Also it is important to note that those funding will also be used for the VACA Forest Reserve. There are also some small funds where we will be doing monitoring in the VACA Forest Reserve, which is another 17 kilometers in the Western border.'
5 other non-profit organizations received monies from PACT last month to aid in the conservation efforts within 12 protected areas.