At the end of yesterday's newscast we told you about reports of a chopping incident on the George Price Highway. Since then police have identified the victim as 43-year-old Elmer Salazar. Salazar was a former employee of Belize Marina and Mooring Services, but was out of a job after the project he was working on finished. He returned to the compound yesterday with the intention of finding another job, but ended up getting into a heated argument with another employee. Witness are not exactly sure what happened, but the argument escalated and ended with Salazar receiving several massive chops to the back of his neck. Our team spoke to his cousin and fellow employee about what he saw yesterday afternoon...
Jorge Gutierrez - Cousin of deceased
"I noh sure sure but I just watched when the man drop and I run. I cya watch everything. Just like that. Only that I could say, I could say only that I can tell nothing."
"Describe what happened when the individual who chopped him came to the property yesterday. The person who did the copping. Describe exactly what happened when that person came here. Did he ask for Elmer, what happened? What did you see happened?"
Jorge Gutierrez - Cousin of deceased
"Man come ina the compound, Elmer and the man I don't know. Then shout out and everything and the man chop the man and run. Everybody run. Because cya stay."
"The thing is, the construction stop and the man gone two weeks ago and the man try get the job again. But the man come drunk. I don't know why the old man chop the man. I can't tell you why. Only that I could tell you."
Salazar's attacker escaped, but police know who he is and are actively searching for him.