Turning now to the ICJ, we've already told you how the UDP has voted unanimously for a "yes" while the PUP has made a declaration telling Belizeans to vote "NO".
So, how does that translate on the ground? Is any campaigning for either position really being done? With only weeks to go before the April 10th referendum, we asked one senior UDP Representative:...
Jules Vasquez- Reporter
"Are the divisional representatives or caretakers or standard bearers, are they mobilizing people towards a yes?"
Hon. Michael Finnegan- UDP Mesopotamia
"First of all, I am not an expert on this matter but listening and having discussions with the international experts and the local experts I am convinced that we are on the right track and we have nothing to lose if we go to the ICJ."
Jules Vasquez
"Okay, so now, how will you translate that to the people of Mesopotamia division?"
Hon. Michael Finnegan
"We are on the ground house to house, street to street, from corner to corner, convincing or trying to convince the people that the best and proper thing to do on April 10th is to vote yes."
Jules Vasquez
"From the vibe you get from people, will the voters say, 'Hmf, Mr. Finnegan I don't know,' or 'I am with you on that Mr. Finnegan.'?"
Hon. Michael Finnegan
"I believe that as usual, I have the trust and the confidence of the voters in the area in which I am the representative. We always come to one conclusion. And that conclusion is based on mutual respect."
Jules Vasquez
"Which means?"
Hon. Michael Finnegan
"The voter and the their dearly area representative for six consecutive general elections..."
Jules Vasquez
"Are on the same page as regards ICJ?"
Hon. Michael Finnegan
"We are on the same page."