On Friday and Monday, the headlines were dominated by the devastating news of two University students, one 19, and the other 20 senselessly murdered.
19 year-old Masaki Yanai was killed on last Thursday evening at his family home in Belize City when he tried to defend his dad from armed robbers.
And, on Saturday night, 20 year-old Dwayne Cummings-Avila was gunned down and killed in Orange Walk Town while he was walking home from an NEBL game between his team, Orange Walk the Running Rebels, and Dangriga Dream Ballers.
Their families are mourning their tragic losses, and so too are their UB families. This evening, the students, faculty and staff of the University held a candle light vigil to remember both of these promising young men, who had bright futures ahead of them.
Here's what a few of the participants had to say while they fondly remember both Masaki and Dwayne:
Police have not made arrests in either of the murders.