On Friday's news, we told you about the chopping incident in Lords Bank Village which left 41 year-old Enrique Pandy hospitalized with his left index finger partially severed. Well, both he and his attacker have been arrested and charged for this altercation.
Pandy, and 49 year-old Orlando Reyes were both arraigned before Magistrate Michelle Trapp. Pandy is charged with wounding, while Reyes is charged with grievous harm.
Pandy reported to police that he and Reyes had a misunderstanding, which escalated when Reyes chopped him on his left index finger and the palm of his left hand. Pandy said that that he retaliated by pulling his machete, and he dragged it across Reyes' neck.
In his counter allegation, Reyes denied Pandy's chronology of events claiming that it was Pandy who attacked first. He said that that Pandy chopped him on the neck, and so, he had to defend himself by inflicting the chop wounds to Pandy's hand.
They both pleaded not guilty to their respective criminal charge, and they were released on bail of $3,000 each. They must return to court on April 15th.