Today staffers at Social Security Board Headquarters and branches all across the country started banging on their desks at around 10:45 this morning. The form of industrial action lasted for over a minute. The staffers - who are represented by the Christian Workers Union are concerned about their pension scheme. Management of the SSB is trying to establish a trust cooperation, which is a company to hold the pension - rather than have it in the name of individual trustees.
But, the union isn't comfortable with that and other issues. So, they sent management a letter on Friday outlining concerns. Today, the CEO says he didn't even have time to respond:
Dr. Colin Young, C.E.O., S.S.B.
'The Collective Bargaining Agreement prescribes very clearly as to the steps that ought to be taken to resolve these issues in this case unfortunately the C.W.U. has opted to step outside of this agreement by elevating this potential action to where it is. They wrote us on Friday of last week. I got a letter I think somewhere in mid-afternoon regarding their concerns about this particular issue. We have, this is on business day not even a whole day being been given the opportunity to respond and yet these actions are being taken."
"I think we first would have wanted as I said an opportunity to respond as is provided for in the Collective Bargaining Agreement. And so we felt that writing us on Friday and then having some sort of action today, was bad faith on behalf of the CWU."
A statement from the the CWU says, quote, "the Union wishes that the Management of the institution will respond promptly and effectively to the issues, so that our Members can remove their trepidation and return to serving their workplace in an atmosphere of confidence and content. fund belongs to the beneficiaries