And while Compol Williams wants the police to resolve that one internally, he may have to resolve a dispute with the police association in open court. That body has filed for judicial review of. Statutory Instrument which Williams signed in January. It amends the police association rules by limiting any chairman to two terms only. That would put current chairman Eldon Arzu over the limit. The association doesn't like the SI and is seeking judicial review. Today, Compol Williams made it clear he was not happy with Chairman Arzu:..
Chester Williams- Police Commissioner
"In order to see how we can strike a balance, we'll serve as the present for two years and then you come back into core policing that you can continue to develop yourself. I see that being the reason for the instrument and I had no issue with it. Corporal Arzu needs to understand that he is a police officer and he is subject to the Commissioner of Police. The police act clearly states that the association works for the commissioner of police and advises the commissioner on welfare issues other than promotions and transfer. The previous commissioner had given Corporal Arzu some directives. Corporal Arzu has refused to comply with the previous commissioner's directives. Well, I am going to say to him, I am a different person. I am not going to allow any member of this department to believe that they are bigger than the department; because none of us are, not even me. And when it comes to the work of the association, the previous commissioner was on his tour. During his tour, officers of the department who pays the associations money every year, questioned the then commissioner about what was being done about their money that they are paying to the association; rightfully so. They need to know that the association is spending their money the way it should. The then commissioner couldn't answer then. So, what he did is he had directed Mr. Arzu to submit to him an audit of the association account, which the commissioner has all rights to do. Corporal Arzu then wrote back to the then commissioner saying that he is not going to do it. Man, this man seemingly believes that he is bigger than the commissioner. I am still awaiting that report. Instead, I got an application for a judicial review. I have no issue with it. I will say, as a lawyer, I ensure that whatever I do is done within the scope of my authority as the commissioner of police. The judicial review application is saying that I acted ultra vires, I don't see how. But be it as it may, corporal Arzu is a member of the police department, he is subject to the discipline of this organization and once you have done anything which is wrong as is a breach of discipline, he will be dealt with like any other person because he is not above the law."
The first hearing is set for March 21st.