Last night Commissioner of Police Chester Williams was all over the news, addressing multiple public controversies concerning the police. But one completely non controversial item he discussed is a recent visit to Jamaica to learn from law enforcement there. It's about protecting the most vulnerable form the effects of crime. Here's how he explained it:
Chester Williams, Commissioner of Police
"The purpose of that visit was to:1) look at the issue as it relates to the operations of (CISOCA) Center for the investigation sexual offences and child abuse. As you have known I have said before in the past that it is our intention to look at a one stop center that will deal with domestic violence, sexual aasaults as well as child abuse and we believe that the model in Jamaica is a good one for us to start with and so we went to see how that operates as well as to look at the issue as it relates to how Jamaica deakls with children and during that visit we met with the commissioner of police in Jamaica Major General Anthony Anderson. He has pledged to see how best he can assist Belize in setting up this center,"
Williams says they have also arranged a number of training programs for Belize police to work with their Jamaican counterparts. According to social violence anthropologist, Dr. Hebert Gayle, Belize and Jamaica police share long records of failed policing because of their dependency on suppression techniques.