Orange Walk Police used a drone camera to bust an apparent human trafficking operation yesterday afternoon. It happened on a sugar road between the BSI Factory and Chan Pine Ridge. At around 2:30, police got a call that illegal aliens were seen moving in the area. The police coralled a drone camera from BSI to scan the area. That led them to a pair of SUV's parked in the bush. One of the vehicle owned by someone suspected to be a human trafficker from Santa Cruz village. When police searched the bushes, they found 8 men and 3 women who said they were Cubans. They claimed to have entered Belize through an illegal crossing near the Benque Viejo border. They said they were heading to Mexico, and from there, to the US. All of them were handed over to the Immigration Department.
And, at 5:30 that same evening, Orange Walk police intercepted a mini-van at a gas station. It was driven by another suspected human smuggler and he had 8 Salvadoreans and Nicaraguans on board, including a 7 year old girl. None of them had legal entry permits. The driver was detained pending investigation for human smuggling. The Immigration office has been interviewing these possible victims of human trafficking today.