On Wednesday's news, we told you about how Police Commissioner Chester Williams relaxed his hardline somewhat on providing transportation for police officers who live in the north, but have to hitchhike to get home late at night, when their tour of duty ends. The commissioner was adamant that the Department has no obligation to do this, but he was simply seeking to look after their welfare.
Well, we've seen a copy of an internal memorandum from the Commissioner's desk which informs officers that the department has re-engaged in a business relationship with the bus company, Belize Transit System. This company will be providing transportation services for police officers and employees of the Ministry of National Security between Belize City and Corozal Town.
The buses providing this service will depart from Corozal Town at 7:30 p.m. daily. It will stop in Orange Walk Town, before heading to Belize City. On the return trip, the bus will depart at 11:20 p.m. daily, and it will make a stop in Orange Walk Town, before heading to Corozal.
Officers will pay $7 from Corozal Town to Belize City, $3 from Corozal to Orange Walk, and $5 from Orange Walk to Belize City.
These runs commence on Tuesday, April 16th.