And all that re-registration back and forth also came up at the Senate today. Business Senator Mark Lizarraga, started out by talking about his difficulties with the new referendum bill, and then went into what he sees as one of the biggest problems - which is what he described as a mess at the Vital Stats Unit. That incensed the Attorney General who is responsible for that Department - and that led to a testy response:
Hon. Mark Lizarraga, Business Senator
"We are absolutely not saying that the people don't have a right to a referendum to decide, but we have a lot of work to be done, we believe and this is an opportunity for us. It's an opportunity for the prime minister, to shift gears, wheel and come again as somebody says in parliament and tackle the issues that need to be address, whether they'd be legal or whether they'd be education and let us proceed with caution. Don't rush this thing. If we disenfranchise 1 UDP or 1 PUP or any citizen of this country, that is unforgiveable. This needs to be addressed. The flaws in the system, the flaws in the re-registration, the flaws in the election and boundaries system in place."
"Since you want me to mention vital stats, perhaps we really should try to correct this first. This is how the people's records are being kept."
"Mr. President, there is no way for me to the absolutely sure of that, but I share it because that is what....."
"Senator if you are not sure then why are you showing it?"
Hon. Mark Lizarraga, Business Senator
"Well then the Honourable AG can correct me. You want me to continue read from the emails about the total disarray in the department? I don't think that necessary. I think it's a travesty though that we know re-registration had to take place. I think it's a travesty that our records are in such disarray - that we've had years. We know we were going to re-registration for how many years? 10 years? and yet we've had so many problems in that department."
Hon. Michael Peyrefitte, UDP Senator
'The people want their say. Whether they want to say yes, or whether they want to say no and enough information about making it political. Listen to me, the chief justice didn't say we did anything wrong. All he said was that he needs to think about this. Since I need to think about this, let us put everything on pause. He may very well say that there is nothing wrong with the prime minister's writ. He may very well say there was nothing wrong with the governor genera's writ. He didn't say we were wrong. Stop pushing that silly narrative. For God sake stop it."
"Senator Lizarraga, I don't want to quarrel with you, but you need to stop trafficking in false information, bogus emails and bogus pictures of not what's happening at the vital stats office. Stop trafficking in foolishness. I am surprised, but maybe somebody will bring up about the 2,500 people who have been disenfranchised. Leader of the Opposition says its 3,000. 2,500, where did that number came from? Where does 3,000 comes from? Listen to me, I have it right here. If they would spend enough time reading and learning about the ICJ as they did analysing my dance moves - they would be educated on the campaign. My father would be proud. One fat boy has the whole PUP shook."
"2,500 - we have the records right here. Since November 1st when vital stats came under the AG's ministry, we have rejected and I say it with pride 692 people. Where do you get 2,500 from? and before that from when the process started, we rejected 611, so that's about 1302. Where do you get 2,500 from?"