And, so, while Shoman has his priorities planned out as the agent, along with co-agent Alexis Rosado - it seems that Belize is one, or a few steps ahead of the Guatemalans.
He told us what he knows about where the Guatemalans are in their drive to the ICJ:...
Jules Vasquez- Reporter
"Are there any indications from their camp about when they intend to go and how soon will we know what they claim, any and all?"
H.E. Assad Shoman- Named Belize's Agent at ICJ
"Well, we won't know that until they put in their memorial probably within a year. But besides that; it is strange. Do you remember during the campaign you had some people from all over the place making categorical statements that Guatemala already has the best team of lawyers in the world? You remember that kind of thing, etc, etc? As far as I now and as far as the public knows so far, they haven't got a team together yet. They haven't yet hired their team. They are looking. They say they have been looking for ages, they haven't. As far as we know, they haven't appointed an agent yet, you know what I'm saying. And I spoke to one of them lately and they said, 'Man, you guys are organized, you've got everything together.'"
Jules Vasquez - Reporter
"And they have to file their memorial first."
H.E. Assad Shoman
"Exactly, they go first."
Jules Vasquez
"So, we are ahead of them? By all of our indications?"
H.E. Assad Shoman
"I would say so, yes."
The Guatemalans will have to present their case - which is known as a memorial - to the ICJ in June of next year.
Tune in tomorrow to hear Shoman speak about the legal team - and why he wants the PUP intimately involved.