A group of young American social media stars - known as influencers - arrived in Belize this afternoon for an interesting trip.
No, they're not here to take a break from all the "likes" and "forwards" they get in their home country, from their fans and the American press. They visiting instead to give Belize a major promotional bump as a tourist destination that travel enthusiasts may want to visit on their next vacation.
Collectively, the 12 visitors have a social media reach of almost 20 million followers on instagram and youtube. And, all those viewers will be getting their fill of photographs and videos of all the tourist experiences that the team will be indulging in while they are here.
The premise is an organization called Wanderlist, which was founded by the entrepreneur, dancer and actress, Madison Muirbrook. The organization's purpose is travel promotion and charity, and this evening, Muirbrook spoke with us about their trip, and why she and her companions chose Belize:
"Talk to us about Wanderlist, what exactly is that organization?"
Madison Muirbrook, Founder, Wanderlist
"I started Wanderlist about a year ago and it's a travel and charity brand and our goal is to bring more awareness to different countries, to increase the tourism and to do in a positive way, not build a bunch of infrastructures by any means but really utilize tourism in the best light possible and provide more jobs and opportunities for locals and different communities as well as providing any services that we can for different charities or organizations in the area and then on top of that marketing the place in general. We are a creative team of people and we have photographers and videographers on hand that makes beautiful content, so that this is exposed in the best way possible. Our trip here is to bring more awareness to the area and to Belize, to provide more opportunities for the locals and to bring more people to this beautiful place and get the word out there that it exists and that its incredible and the people are amazing. I choose Belize because my grandparents actually lived here for 2 years. They serve the people here and my grandma passed away and I felt very close to her and I felt a call to come here and bring more people here and so I did so and this is our third trip here so far."
"Talk to us about the activities you guys have planned a little of beauty that Belize has to offer."
Madison Muirbrook
"So we are going to Shark Ray Alley, we are going to that island and then we are going cave tubing to a waterfall, we are going to see the Maya Ruins which I am excited about, because I know the culture of the Mayan Ruins as a beautiful thing in Belize, among a few other fun things. We are super grateful for Shantel Garcia, she has been helping us to plan this entire trip and she is part of the allegian, so we will be staying there and the first lady owns the Allegian, so were star stroke ourselves. So its a really cool experience and then we will be staying at North Park Hotel among a few other hotels."
"Is this your first trip to this country?"
Dylan Jordan, Musician
"Yes this is my very first trip."
"What's your impression so far?"
Dylan Jordan, Musician
"It's beautiful, It's so different from anything I've honestly been to and there is like a sense of serenity here and peace and I want to say a collective connection between everybody here that I feel. Its very simple and I love it."
The Wanderlist team will be producing content to share on their different social media platforms as they go about their mini-vacation.