And, the commissioner also promised that as of tonight - a new curfew for minors is in effect. Seems unilateral, knee jerk, and terribly ad-hoc, but the commissioner virtually decreed it yesterday:
Chester Williams
"Re-institute the curfew. This time we are not going after the children, we are going after the parents. So once the child is found on the street after hours, we are going to take the child home and we will bring the parent and the parent will face the music. It is time that parents begin to take responsibilities for the children that they have brought on this earth and until we can do that, we will not see a reduction in our crime problem."
"The declaration of curfew regulation is for Belize City, not region 1 or region 2. It will be for the entire Belize City and I will propose to the minister of human development to increase the age from 16 to 18. So I want to sound the warning to parents who want to have their child out on the streets late at night and care nothing about the child wellbeing, that we will come for you. So parents please ensure your child is at home by 6pm."