Saul Perez, a resident of Succotz Village, is facing a court fine from the Magistrate's Court after he admitted that he stole from his boss, lied about it, and made up an entire story that he was robbed.
Police say that on Thursday, August 1st, 2019, Perez, a former Quarantine Officer for the OIRSA Belize, visited Precinct 1 in Belize City, and made a robbery report to them. He said that at about 7:30 a.m. on Wednesday, July 31st, he was walking on Yabra Road in Belize City. That's when, according to Perez, he was approached by 3 unknown men. One of them was allegedly armed with a knife, and these men supposedly held him up and robbed him of just over $2,300 in cash. He said that this money belonged to OIRSA, and he collected it on behalf of the organization, to deposit into their Belize Bank account.
Sounds believable enough, and so the Detective Constable assigned to the case diligently began investigating Perez's report. That's when he started noticing that several details of Perez's story weren't adding up. So, the officer questioned Perez for a second time, and that's when Perez allegedly revealed that he fabricated the entire story of a fake robbery. In a further interview, Perez allegedly confirmed to police that he made it up to conceal the fact that he took the money which didn't belong to him. He allegedly told police that he kept it so that he could pay his mother's personal bill.s
He was later charged with theft for the entire sum, and he was arraigned today before Magistrate Stephanie Gillett. He didn't waste the court's time and immediately pled guilty to the charge.
For his guilty plea, Magistrate Gillett sentenced him to pay a fine of $2,500 by October 15, 2019. If he defaults, he will spend 2 years in jail.