We note that PUP leader John Briceno was absent from today's sitting because he's still recovering from his accident related injuries, so we couldn't ask him if the trip was approved or not.
But, the PUP's point man today, Deputy Leader Cordel Hyde said that it was a personal trip and the PUP weren't "tripping" about it since they'd heard of a senior UDP Minister going to Beijing a few months ago, as well.
Here's how Hyde put it:
Hon. Cordel Hyde, PUP Deputy Leader
"When a few weeks or months ago we heard when a senior member of the UDP cabinet had visited mainland China in a most clandestine manner..."
Rt. Hon. Dean Barrow, Prime Minister
"Madam Speaker, to talk about some member of this administration having gone to mainland China without any kind of evidence to support that."
Hon. Cordel Hyde, PUP Deputy Leader
"When we heard that you did not hear a pipsqueak from us. We did not say anything. We did not put out any release, because we understand and we assume that in an independent nation, consenting adults can visit any country on this planet if they can afford to go. The Prime Minister tries to make it seem as if though they are the only ones who supports Taiwan and there is some shift in our policy, when he well knows there is shift in our policy. We have spoken. He is hypocritical Madam Speaker, they have big time relations with people from mainland China, big time relations with Brads. Isn't he from mainland China? If fact one of their candidates is a Chinese candidate."
Hon. Kareem Musa, PUP, Caribbean Shores
"They are using my private personal trip as a distraction, when in fact deputy prime minister was also in China. You want to talk about that. The member from Dangriga was also in mainland China."
Hon. Patrick Faber, UDP - Collet
"That is an outright blatant lie. He is maligning my name and he is using the comfort of this honourable house to do so, because if he says that outside, he knows I could sue him, but in here he is enjoying the comfort of this house."
Hon. Kareem Musa, PUP, Caribbean Shores
"You want me to produce the plane ticket?"
Hon. Pawpa Mena, UDP Dangriga
"Madam Speaker it is unfair for the member from Caribbean Shores, I was in Japan, Taiwan and Hong Kong, that's not mainland China. Good. His problem, he always try to pontificate and pull his own little stories. Stop the lies."