7 News Belize

PUP Fumbles Senate Shuffle, Blames Media
posted (August 16, 2019)
Last night, we broke the news about how the PUP stumbled when they were shuffling Senators.

Multiple, reliable reports to 7News are that they intended to replace Senator Valerie Woods with the Belize City Councillor, Dr. Candice Pitts. But - as we showed you - she can't hold both seats at the same time.

Section 7 - 1 (J) of the Belize City Council Act says quote, "No person shall be eligible for election as a member of the Council, or having been elected, shall sit or vote on the Council, who:- is or becomes a member of the National Assembly or of any commission established by or under the Belize Constitution."

We contacted Dr. Pitts today to ask if she'll resign from the council, and she directed us to Party Chairman, Henry Charles Usher.

He told us that it seems rumor has become news, and that nothing official has been done with regard to Dr. Pitts being appointed to the Senate. He scolded us for reporting what had not been made official.

So, since the Chairman was insisting the selection of Dr. Pitts as a Senator was just a rumor, we went inquiring. And we have received very reliable confirmation that a notice was sent to the Governor-General that Dr. Pitts was being nominated as one of the PUP's senators.

Also, she posted this picture of herself sitting in the PUP parliamentary caucus meeting on Wednesday - and - as the name makes clear - only parliamentarians sit in that session.

But, right at this moment, Dr. Pitts is ineligible to take up a seat in the Senate, unless she resigns from the Belize City Council.

She posted on her Facebook page today, quote, "I will one day be a member of Parliament."

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