We have been reporting on the Belmopan rape case since last week. As we told you, a woman reported that 2 men raped her at a Tiger Town area house party. Well, it seems people have been doing their own reporting and speculating on social media. Her police report, that should have been kept confidential, was circulated on Facebook and people have been mocking and ridiculing her.
Now, the National Women's Commission's release speaks to this case and the wider issue of bullying women and girls.
The release states "The National Women's Commission is dismayed by disrespectful and insensitive comments continuously made on social media pages following reports of gender-based violence. It is unfortunate that such insensitive comments have become the norm in the aftermath of any reports of violence against women and girls be it sexual violence, online bullying, domestic violence, and even murder.
Public insults, shaming, and casting aspersions on the character, not only revictimizes victims of violence, but also impedes others from coming forward."
It ends by saying "We remind all duty bearers--media houses, public officers, and organizations dealing with reports of violence…a person lies in the midst of all these cases of abuse and "newsworthiness" or "sensationalization" should never override respect for the life of the victims or survivors of abuse."