So, the bus operators used brinkmanship to force government to give in to their demands. They threatened a strike that would cripple the nation's transport system and got what they wanted. Cheers to them!
But, what about the commuters they're supposed to be serving? What about what they want? If you're not a commuter you might not know it - but every single day and night, bus riders are subjected to unacceptably poor service, and a predatory environment where they have to scramble, jostle, and fight tooth and nail for limited seating. And, if they can't get those precious few seats, they must endure many hours on the road standing, and then pay for it like a regular fare while hoping that the bus they're in doesn't break down.
Indeed, it's a whole raft of issues, and - now that the operators have gotten what they want - we asked the commuters what they want - and we got an earful:…
We did those interviews late this evening and hope to get a comment from the Bus Association tomorrow.