On Monday's news, we told you about the very disturbing report coming out of the Maya Mopan area of Belmopan. 23-year-old Brian Orellana, an active coast guard officer, was accused of barging unto the property of the Teul family. He then allegedly pulled a firearm, believed to be unlicensed, and he reportedly struck Christina Teul to the head with it and then fired a gunshot at her son, who came to her rescue.
Orellana has since been arrested and charged with 2 counts of aggravated assault, 1 count of wounding, and 1 count of discharging a firearm in public. Reports to 7News are that he has already been arraigned on these charges.
You'll also remember our interview with one of the Christina Teul's relatives, in which she described the incident where Orellana allegedly assaulted her and her son. From all accounts, Orellana allegedly behaved like a common thug, and so we wondered what would trigger a lawman to jeopardize his career and risk jail time in this fashion.
Well, his mother, Rosita, contacted the media today to completely refute the account from the alleged victims. She said that her son is law-abiding and that he and the Teul family members have an extended backstory. Rosita told us that her son is actually blood-related to the two Teul family members that he is accused of assaulting. Here's how she explained the supposed prolonged provocation that Orellana has experienced at the hands of Teul family members:
Rosita Orellana - Mother of Accused
"The Teul family, the young lady that spoke on the news, Elizabeth, she is the aunt of my son. Cristina Teul is the other Aunt, and Pedro Teul is the uncle of my son too."
"So far, what I heard [is] that Pedro went to the house on Sunday night. Every time Pedro drinks, Pedro goes to harass my son."
"And this is not just happening. It's something that is going on for over a year now. I told my son, go and report it. But my son does not want to report it because he says that he doesn't want to report it because they are all family. But, that was his mistake. He should have gone to report the issue because, look at what happened now."
"Ma'am, do you believe, as these people have said, that your son aggressed the family, pointed a gun at them, fired a shot, threaten them the way that they said it happened?"
Rosita Orellana
"No, that is a lie."
"Why would he have been there? Why would he have gone to even aggress these people, the even confront them in the first place?"
Rosita Orellana
"That never happened like that either. My son went to my aunty's house because he was supposed to drop off something for me out here. When he was passing back, with the dispute that night with Pedro, his sister pointed out my son who was on bicycle across the street. My son was riding on his bicycle. They stoned my son."
"Why did he go to that extent?"
Rosita Orellana
"I don't know. I don't know if it was my son who did that to her or what. I will not say that he did it. And I won't say that he didn't because I wasn't there."