There is positive news to report tonight about 11-year-old shooting victim Kyron Green.
You'll definitely remember him as the innocent young man who was shot in the face on Friday, May 17th. The standard 4 student was running an errand for his mother, Marsha Belisle, and while he was purchasing groceries for her at a city supermarket, he was hit by a stray bullet intended for an adult target.
He spent 5 weeks in recovery at the KHMH, and at the end of June, he was allowed to go home. At that time, the prognosis appeared dim for the recovery of his mobility, because as we told you, the bullet was lodged in his cervical vertebrae, and it was paralyzing him from the neck down.
We've since learned that through the kind assistance of the World Pediatric Project, he was flown on last week Monday to Shriners Hospital for Children in Philadelphia. The doctors there planned to remove that bullet from his neck.
This morning, his mother, Marsha, posted this picture on Facebook saying, quote, "Today is the day the doctors at Shriners Hospital will do the small surgery to remove the bullet from Kyron's neck. Praying for a safe and successful surgery..." End quote.
Well, that bullet, seen here, was successfully removed, and his mother told us minutes ago that as far as she is aware, there were no complications. She told us that she would be able to share more tomorrow after she has spoken with the doctors who performed the surgery.