Aside from this new TV public awareness initiative, the immigration department is working on a new migration policy. CEO Zuniga told us more.
Edmond Zuniga - CEO, Immigration and Refugees "One of the big initiatives that we are dealing with and taking on is the development of a migration policy. It is really going to be the first for Belize. We are well underway. Two consultancies have been completed, one that does legal review of all the laws related to migration as well as a desk data gathering to find out where migrants are, what they are doing etc. so the next step from here is the actual development of the terms of reference for the policy itself then we write the policy and hopefully we can launch it soon."
Courtney Weatherburne "Could you give me more details in terms of what the policy will entail and how it differs from the laws and regulations that are in place right now?"
Edmond Zuniga "The migration policy is going to help to guide us at immigration and government as to flows of people into and out of Belize as well as the flows of resources that those people might bring or get into the country."
The team has been working on devising this policy for the past 18 months and will need another 18 months before it is officially launched.