All across the country this morning, rallies were held for primary schoolers. In Belize City, children marched waving their flags to celebrate Belize's birthday. 25 schools ended that march at the Belize Civic Center where we saw zealous, spirited patriotism from the youngest actors in the ongoing Belizean story. Cherisse Halsall reports:
Cherisse Halsall reporting
Today, well over 3,000 kids packed the Belize Civic Center for the annual children's rally. 25 schools from the Belize district were invited. We dropped by for the exciting celebration.
The Spirit of Patriotism is alive and well.
Patrick Faber, Minister Of Education
"Happy Birthday Belize."
Minister Of Education, Patrick Faber joined the children in waving the flag and expressing Belizean pride
Patrick Faber, Minister Of Education
"Because you are the most important resource in shaping the Belizean story, I want you to make a pledge today that you will stay in school."
"I want your help boys and girls but also the adults to help us to fight crime and violence that is in Belize and the best way we can do that is by helping our children you boys and girls to be productive."
"Building Belize is what every good Belizean ought to be doing right now."
"I want you to promise me that you will do your part to help Belize's development by being a productive Belizean."
We also caught up with the organizer, Carla Alvarez. She gave us her take on what the rally means to the students.
Carla Alvarez, Manager, Belize District Education Center
"We are having our annual School Children's Rally that we have every single year what we want to do is give the students an opportunity to come and enjoy themselves show their patriotism to show you know that they love their country, the appreciation, all of that we try to instill, so we allow some schools to come here and then throughout the district the schools are doing their own parade and rally in their respective communities."
The kids that showed up to the Civic Center were treated to several exciting performances by Belizean artists and Jamaican Artist Oscar B; some even became impromptu backup dancers.
A great time was had by all and the Students will surely look forward to next year's rally.