The Ahmadiyya Muslim group is offering self defense classes for women. It begins October 15th and it's only $20 bucks to sign up. We found out more about the importance of this training for women.
Shamira Humes, President, Ahmadiyya Women Association
"Our community has come together and decided that we should do something to empower women of our country. It is very obvious the amount of violence against women it is not just in a particular month, it is all year round. A lot of the times these women don't know how to defend themselves whether verbally or physically or both so as a result especially based on some of the missing persons we have seen, based on some of the murders a lot of them are women and so as a result of that we decided to do this women empowerment self defense program for the women in our community."
"This training in particular goes beyond just the physical fist and kick, it is split up in 4 weeks for a reason. We are actually doing the emotional, theoretical aspect of self defense as well as the physical."
Naveed Mangla, President, Ahmadiyya Muslim Community
"The Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat believes that we are not only contained in a Mosque and are only into prayers but the two main duties expected of us Muslims is our rights to God Almighty, our responsibilities to God Almighty and also the responsibilities towards human beings but we are not only doing this course but we have done many courses and are very active in the youth sports for the same reason that there is any contribution we can do as a community to make a difference we are very active in doing so."
All women are invited to attend. If you want to find out more about registration you can call 631-5925 or Whatsapp 627-1547. You can also visit their facebook page Ahmadiyya Belize.