Tonight, there is a an interesting wrinkle in the UDP power matrix.
Tracy Taegar Panton surprised many this morning at 8:00 when she went to the UDP headquarters to submit her name as a candidate for First Deputy Leader. She did so - by her account - as an unaligned candidate - tethered to neither Patrick Faber nor John Saldivar - who are the two aspirants for leader.
If it is indeed a solo move, it is a big one; after all Taegar-Panton just entered electoral politics as a UDP in 2015; her roots are PUP, with whom she worked for over a decade.
Today, she told Jules Vasquez she supports both Faber and Saldivar:
Hon. Tracy Taegar Panton, Submits Name as First Deputy Candidate
"To deliver my letter to the secretary general indicating my interest to run for the first deputy leader of the United Democratic Party."
"This is somewhat unexpected in so far that while it was rumored that you weren't interested in the first deputy, it was said you will be part of a slate, quite possibly John Saldivar's slate. Explain to me what you are doing and if this is independent of any slate that anyone may be forming?"
Hon. Tracy Taegar Panton
"I have never expressed an interest in running on a slate. I've always expressed an interest in being part of the party's central executive, because I believe I will add some value to the UDP ticket in 2020."
"Assuming that you were to be elected as first deputy, you would have to work in consonance with whoever the leader is, so it is only practical that you would have to have an alliance with one of the two candidates for leader."
Hon. Tracy Taegar Panton
"Both candidates running for the leadership position of the United Democratic Party have been long time friends of mine. They are bot colleagues of mine. I believe that both of them add value and I believe that both of them know that they would be able to work very closely with me."
"So then, because it's been widely speculated that you have shifted allegiances, because we saw you at Mr. Faber's convention, then the week after we saw that Mr. Saldivar was in the very large Albert contingent in the 10th parade. Whose side are you on Tracy?"
Hon. Tracy Taegar Panton
"I'm on the side of the United Democratic Party. I attended Patrick's convention and I also intend to attend Minister Saldivar's launch on November 3rd here in Belize City."
"But when you enter the electoral politics for the UDP, it would have been farfetched to think that Tracy Taegar Panton who is from a PUP family could one day aspires to be first deputy leader and I'm sure you aspire someday perhaps to be leader of the UDP. How has this transformation come about? You are not a DNA UDP, so to speak."
Hon. Tracy Taegar Panton
"You said farfetched and I find some humor in that. You know that Mr. Goldson as the leader of the UDP was also a part of the People's United Party at one point. I don't think it's farfetched at all. The first time I have actually put my name on a ballot was under a UDP ticket. I am completely committed to the agenda of the United Democratic Party."
As we alluded to earlier, it is a surprise because information from within the party had suggested she would be part of an unofficial John Saldivar slate - but as second deputy, under first deputy Hugo Patt.
The wisdom in this is the delicate ethnic and geographical balance that goes into shaping any leadership troika. But, now Taeger has up-ended that by jumping out on her own. Word is - she was tired of waiting for Patt to make a move. She says that while race and geography are important, so is the fact that she is a woman - and she hopes Patt does play a role:
Hon. Tracy Taegar Panton
"I hope that Hugo Patt is considering a position within the central executive of the party. I think he also will bring a lot of value to a UDP ticket in 2020. He has not definitively declared or made a decision as far as I am concern."
"When one looks at the executive makeup of any party and particularly the top posts, you have to look at racial mix, because we are a multicultural society and so it has always been the convention in politics that you have to have a mestizo and a creole. The 2 persons seeking the leadership of the UDP are creole, you are also creole. Is it a matter of priority that the UDP also have a mestizo within that top tier of the leadership?"
Hon. Tracy Taegar Panton
"That premise would suggest that because you are creole, you're not able or capable of representing all ethnic groups in the country and so I don't support at a;; that theory. I will say that I think it is important at this time for women's voices to be heard and to be heard at the very highest level. As we know in almost all 31 constituencies there are more registered to vote than there are men and when we look at the statistics that were last election, the ICJ Referendum, 60% of the people who came out to vote were women. I would like to be an advocate for women and for young people of all ethnicities."
So while Taegar-Panton is strategically leveraging the fact that she is a first time woman aspiring for the post, we note that she is also going against the powerful, guiding hands trying to shape the outcome of next year's convention. That could lead to a showdown - depending on the next move that Hugo Patt makes. It will make for interesting watching, and we'll keep following it closely.