As we've been reporting for the past two nights - the City Council's assets are being crowfooted by former city administrator Candice Miller. The council owes her almost half a million dollars after the court found that it wrongfully terminated her multi-year contract.
Her attorney, Magali Perdomo moved swiftly to apply for an order of execution of the court's judgment. And the city says that she moved too swiftly, and that it was an act of bad faith since it intends to appeal the judgement of Supreme Court justice Courtney Abel.
Today, we asked the Deputy Mayor what it's like working under the crow's foot:...
"Where are you all with trying to get this execution application lifted, or a stay on it?"
Oscar Arnold, Deputy Mayor
"Well I believe our attorney have filed the necessary documentation. Again, it's a undeniable, very vile act on behalf of the complainant. Both sides of the fence, both attorneys were speaking to each other and we understand there's some element of politics in all of this. But we were acting in the best interests of the residents of Belize City and of the city council. And we will continue to do so. I think the mayor has gone on record to say we will appeal, the attorneys are filing the necessary documentation. I know that some items were crowfooted by the Marshall of the court. As to whether that was done within the required timeframe, and whether it was done in the procedurally right way, that's for the legal minds to say."
"But is it a distraction and a matter of some anxiety for your employees."
Oscar Arnold, Deputy Mayor
"It's not been the first time since the city council have been marked. I think this has happened under previous administrations."
Both Candice Miller and Magali Perdomo have declined comment.