So, while the SSB would like to reduce the burden of avoidable work-related injuries on the Social Security Fund, they're also trying to get rid of instances of Social Security fraud. These are instances where persons have used trickery to trigger benefit payouts that they don't deserve.
Reducing and removing instances of fraud was one of their major talking points last month as to why they are hoping that the public will embrace the implementation of biometrics, as a more secure form of identification.
Here's what the CEO had to say about what SSB employees believed to be a blatant case of identity theft:
Dr. Colin Young - CEO, SSB
"Part of what biometrics would also do is that it is a deterrence to people who may be thinking about fraud because now they now. We have cases, in fact, there is another case right now, of an employee working at an establishment in Belize City. This is happening as we speak. And the person has assumed the identity of another insured person. So, he has the name, social security #, the birth date of a real living person, working for the establishment, and that employer is paying contributions to that number, and that name. We found this out, and this case is with the police. So, this is a clear case of identity theft."
So, how far are police in their investigation into this crime? That's what the press asked the Police Commissioner and the Head of the National Criminal Investigations Branch this morning, and here's how they answered:
Chester Williams, Commissioner of Police
"I know that yes myself and Dr. Young we did have a conversation and the matter was referred to Mr. Myvette and he then had investigators go over to SSB to look at the matter. The investigation is still ongoing. I am pretty sure that they are almost where they want to be in terms of making an arrest, but in your interview with Mr. Myvette, I believe he will be able to feed you with more information where that is concerned."
"Probably you are able to say what type of offence you're looking at?"
ACP Joseph Myvett
"At this point in time it would be some type of fraud. I have 2 senior investigators looking at the case that are working with Social Security at this time."
We'll let you know If and when police make an arrest.