By now you've probably seen the interview with Bill Lindo, the contractor - who says he's not the contractor - who's repairing the Swing Bridge for the City Council. When we caught him last week, Lindo refused to discuss how much he's getting paid.
Today, we caught the mayor - and asked him about Bill's bill:..
Bernard Wagner - Mayor, Belize City Council "What I'll say Jules, the repairs for that bridge, first of all pains in comparison to the 49 million dollar bridge that is being constructed as we speak. It represents 0.00 percent, not even 1 percent of that. We know the quantum and listen to me, this bridge ya was a tragedy waiting to happen."
Daniel Ortiz "You still haven't told us the value though."
Bernard Wagner "It's in the 120 thousand dollar range and that has been in the media for the past 2, 3 weeks."
Jules Vasquez "Is it in your mind, an issue that the city administrator's father is the contractor and we know also, her brother, Billy Lindo, is one of the attorneys for the council."
Bernard Wagner "We employ 3 law firms that do business for us, to represent us. The law firm that William works for, chose him, it's not us who chose him. We went into contract with 3 law firms and their law firm chose him to represent us. And all of those decisions again are council decisions, so I wouldn't say it's nepotism."
We note that the mayor knew exactly the proposed cost for the Haulover Bridge, but would only say that Lindo's payment was, quote, "in the range of 120 thousand dollars."