And what police are battling in Arenal - they are also fighting in Succotz. The bandits have been operating between the two western villages and the town of Benque Viejo.
As we told you last night, Succotz residents organized and armed themselves to expel bandits from their area.
Now, some facebook accounts portrayed this in an exaggerated narrative, with clear racist undertones. Compol Williams said he lent that no credence, but underscored his support of that kind of concerted community action:
Chester Williams - Commissioner of Police "I'm not going to condemn the good people of Succotz, I believe that after we communicated with them, they have decided to work with us. At the meeting last night, they were very receptive, they were very open and I can't say nothing negative about them. Yes, the people were concerned and they decided that they are going to do what they can to protect their community and I welcome that and I wish that we have more communities like Succotz where when people see criminality, they decide to stand together and fight against criminality and then what we the police need to do now, is to stand with them."
Williams had a lively meeting with Succotz villagers last night.