The Chiste Garcia Auditorium in Dangriga was opened in January of 2019. And while it has been well received, the place has no air conditioning and it can be cruel to sit inside on a Sunny day or a humid night.
And, to hear the local political movers tell it - that stadium has no AC because the UDP is a house divided against itself. Here's how UDP Dangriga Divisional Chairman Clifford Peters, known as "Boss P" put it in October:
And that division seemed to deepen in November when Boss P's political boss, Area Rep Frank Pawpa Mena spoke at the launch of John Saldivar's candidacy for party leadership. Without calling names, he suggested that Saldivar's opponent Patrick Faber was petty and vindictive:
But, today, despite all that Faber went down to Dangriga today to flip the switch on three new AC units for the facility. And he did it whole sitting side by side with the area rep, Pawpa Mena - who called it a wonderful day. Here's more from the event: