Last week we took you to the Bi-annual Police Auction, and that's where we met the little boy who bought a five dollar bike and made quite a stir on social media. Wind Cuttaz as he's being referred to has had quite a week. Cherisse Halsall and cameraman Angel Noble did the original interview. They caught up with the young man today for an update on how he's enjoying his 15 minutes of fame.Â
From complete anonymity last week Johnathan "Windcuttaz" Coleman has become a national sensation.
It went viral and exploded into 100 memes and remixes and that vaulted him into a shopping spree and he's not just enjoying his 15 minutes of fame, he's also benefited in material ways. We caught up with Johnathan at the Real Barber Shop, where Barber Ansar Ahmad had offered him a free haircut.
Ansar Ahmad - Barber "When I saw the first videos of him a lot of people were making a lot of jokes and making jests about it but I said why not just give him a haircut, something good you know. Makeup is for ladies haircuts are for men and the first impression is a lasting impression. And just like how he looks could on his Windcuttaz I wanted him to look good with a haircut as well."
I asked Johnathan how things have been since our last interview.
Johnathan "Windcuttaz" Coleman - Local Celebrity "Miss everything just started to go, good miss, yes a lot of help is coming my way miss."
Cherisse Halsall "So how do your brothers and sisters feel about everything that's been happening for you."
Johnathan "Windcuttaz" Coleman "Miss some of them fell happy. Miss but some of them are jealous."
Cherisse Halsall "What has been the best part so far?"
Johnathan "Windcuttaz" Coleman "Miss the part when they took me out shopping and now, Miss, when I'm trimming now."
But Johnathan also appeared on Love FM last night and he told them about his future professional ambitions.
Love FM Host What did you want for Christmas in the first place?
Johnathan "Windcuttaz" Coleman Sir, I wanted a fishing rod and a net.
Love FM Host A cast net? They are banning nets, I think though. Don't you think so? Do you want to be a fisherman?
Johnathan "Windcuttaz" Coleman And little Coast Guard as well. I was thinking about it.
Love FM Host Couldn't have said it better, myself.
And Today I got to tag along with Mr Windcuttaz to the Coast Guard Christmas Luncheon where he was invited to share a meal with his possible future colleagues. And Johnathan sat at the table with Commandant Bennett who has offered him a spot in The Belize Sea scouts.
Elton Bennett - Captain, Commandant Belize Coast Guard "Yeah, I was watching the show last night and Johnathan, when he was asked what he wanted to be when he grew up. He said, â€ËœI want to be a coast guard', and that touched me. I felt very proud that someone at that very young age would be able to identify his future as being in the Coast Guard. So, as the Commandant of the Belize Coast Guard, I was so touched that I reached out to Love FM, and I reached out to the parents. I told them, listen, we'd like to invite him over for lunch today, so that he can be in the environment, and hopefully continue to inspire him. So, the Coast Guard Sea Cadets is a program that we run particular for Belize City. It's between the ages of 8 and 14 years-old, where we run the two-times-a-week program for at-risk individuals in Belize City.We teach them the basics of seamanship, team work, and a little bit of leadership, so that they can be groomed at a very young age to be positive, and to make positive contributions in the families, and in their neighborhoods. We try to teach them sailing, and different activities in the Belize Coast Guard. So, I'm opening this for him to start integrating in the Belize Coast Guard, and hopefully, one day - I was speaking with him, and when he turns of age, we'd love to have him serve in the Belize Coast Guard.
Johnathan's mom is, not surprisingly, a bit concerned about all the attention the little boy has been getting. And she shared her Christmas wish for Johnathan and the rest of her kids.
Jennifer Coleman - Jonathan's Mom Yes, when I saw it first, and they told me I was like what Johnathan? And then I saw them come and he came to tell me I feel good about it but. I was like, What, Johnathan?' . He came and told me. I feel good about it.
Cherisse Halsall "Well you have a really engaging little boy what does he do on the daily to make you laugh?"
Jennifer Coleman "A little dance for me, well I've told him he needs to go to school, and study, don't miss classes. When he comes home, he does his homework, and read his book and stuff."
Cherisse Halsall "If you had one wish for Christmas for Johnathan and the rest of your kids what would that wish be?"
Jennifer Coleman "To make it better and with a job, of course, fix my house and, yeah, have everything that he needs and wants that he doesn't have to go back out there."
Despite all the hype, this is just a story of a boy, and a bike, a bike that looks 100 times better than when it was bought at auction for that famous $5.00. And now it's a bike with a lock.
Johnathan will start his Sea Scout career on January 7th.Â