And a part of that vision is more effective gang interventions. Williams says an officer will be assigned to deal with that singular task:
Chester Williams - Commissioner of Police
"We want to see us getting on board a conflict officer, or a gang intervention officer. If we can get that person on board to work with us - and we have already a person in mind - that person can then work between us and CYDP, to see how we can deal with different gang issues with a view to further take down the gang-related murders. And then, we want to look at partnering with different organizations, as I said in my New Year's Address, we want to establish a citizen advisory committee. We want that committee to have members of the different government organizations, as well as the churches, civil society, and any other person who is of good standing, to serve as an advisory board to the police where they can look at ways and means as to how we can deal with certain crime-related issues, as well as be able to help the police to lobby for equipment and thing that are needed to ensure that we are equipped to fight the crime situation."
But, lest we forget, Williams himself used to be that gang intervention officer - leading mediation efforts. Today, he boasted that he still gets love from the streets - and gives it right back:
Chester Williams - Commissioner of Police
"I want to make an emphatic appeal to the young men of this beautiful country of ours. Over the New Year's holiday, many of them texted me, and wished me Happy New Year, and thanked the police for the efforts that the police made in keeping them alive for 2019. And my words to them were, please make yourselves relevant in a positive way for 2020. Please learn to respect and appreciate the breath that God has blessed you with for 2020. And if you can respect that for yourselves, then you can also do it for others."