And, if all hell breaks loose, then what will happen with the leadership of the UDP. Barrow is about to leave office, and either one or both of the men who would succeed him could be implicated. Yes, Saldivar has - through a statement denied that he was involved in any fraud, bribery or quid pro quo. But we note that he has not denied receiving funds - which as the PM has pointed out - could be simply written off as campaign contributions - which is not a crime.
For his part, Patrick Faber has told us he only met Dermen once in passing, and that was it.
But, delisted the denials, all hell can still break loose - and, if so, what happens to the leadership race, and the succession for PM Barrow?
He addressed that today:
Rt. Hon. Dean Barrow, Prime Minister
"If any of the 2 leadership aspirants turns out to be somebody who received cash, I would fire that person and I believe that the party would absolutely disqualify such a person from proceeding with the leadership challenge, because how will you get fired from the cabinet? Remember, I hold the whip hand, recollect that I don't need to go anywhere until the general elections are called. If I would have to fire a leadership aspirant and the party says well we don't care that you fire the person, we will still elect that person and we will say he must take over and lead us into the general elections. Well I will save them from their own fall you know, because I will make it plain that cannot happen. But we are really spinning wheels and getting into outlandish theoretical scenarios. Man come on and be practical, if any of the leadership aspirants were to be fired by me before the convention, that's the end of it."
Jules Vasquez, reporter
"But supposed the case is adjourned, these things often happens and a leadership convention ensues and you demit office as you say you will shortly after the convention and then evidence emerged against perhaps one of the persons who rise as leader, would this affect your timeline for leaving office?"
Rt. Hon. Dean Barrow, Prime Minister
"May well do, that's an important question. If the trial is postponed and we have the leadership convention and a victor emerges and the new trial date is fixed and it is now 6 months from now, it is a month or two after the convention, I'm going no place until I see what the results of the trial will be in terms of the evidence lead, or alternatively, I would have a get a solid sacred promise from the leader elect made in front of the cabinet and backed up in a way that I will explain by the cabinet that if evidence emerged that he was the recipient of funds, that he will resign and I would say to the cabinet, I couldn't force it, but I would expect that you would oblige him to resign for your own sakes, otherwise just pack your bags, leave and hand over the government to the PUP."
Jules Vasquez, reporter
"Is this a cause of anxious worry as you are about to go off into the sunset?"
Rt. Hon. Dean Barrow, Prime Minister
"In deed, because I want to go, but this might keep me longer."