And finally, from the sugar industry, our colleagues from CTV 3 News got an opportunity to speak with the Chairman of the Sugar Industries Control Board about the termination of Marcos Osorio.
Up until last month, he was the long-time director of the Sugar Industries Research and Development Institute, better known as SIRDI for short. SIRDI researches ways that the cane farmers can improve their crops while farming as efficiently and economically as possible.
But, last month, Osorio was abruptly terminated. He spoke out about it, and publicly questioned the motives of the members of the Sugar Industries Control Board and the Chairman, suggesting that there were no solid grounds for his dismissal.
Here's what the Chairman had to say in response:
Gabriel Martinez - Chair, Sugar Industries Control Board "At this moment, I cannot tell you who exactly will take over. What the Board instructed me to do is to request two of our senior agronomists in the persons of Miss Leticia Westby, and Dr. Luciano Chi, to try to reposition SIRDI in such a way that we can carry on the work, and the mandate of SIRDI, as stipulated by Act. It would be until next week that the Board will meet to hear from these 2 persons, the plan, and then the board will decide where we go, and who will be responsible for SIRDI. But, I want to assure the cane farming community that SIRDI continues to be that institute to deliver research, critical at this time because of the difficult times that we're facing. So, we will continue the work at SIRDI, but try to reposition, and redirect resources to research. The board feels that the area of research needs to be given top priority, especially in these times."
Reporter "Do you all believe that's an area where Mr. Osorio was failing, and that is what caused the board to decide that his services were no longer needed? Why I asked is because previously, in an interview, you had said that Mr. Osorio was doing a wonderful job. And then after that, we heard that he was being terminated."
Gabriel Martinez "Well, let me tell you that I sat down with Mr. Osorio, and we dialogued, and we discussed the issue of his termination, respectfully. He's a personal friend of mine, and I honestly wouldn't want to get into the details. What I know is that we sat down and cordially exchanged views and opinions as to what transpired. I think I will leave it there for respect to a colleague and friend."
According to the Chairman, the discrepancies with Osorio's employment contract has been privately addressed with him.