The CWU also calls for, quote, "immediate laws on campaign finance, there is an urgent need for effective and enforceable campaign finance laws." End quote.
The Belize Network of NGO's echoed that yesterday in a press release, saying quote, "The Belize Network of NGOs… calls on the Government… to immediately introduce campaign finance legislation to set out transparency and parameters on how funds are provided to political parties and candidates vying for public office.
We believe the new campaign finance laws should include limits on the size of contributions to political parties and political candidates, require that all campaign contributions be declared, that spending in elections be regulated, and that election expenses be made publicly available and subject to limits for candidates and registered political parties, among other provisions." End quote.
The press asked the NGO Senator, Osmany Salas, to discuss the press release this morning, and here's what he had to say:
Hon. Osmany Salas - NGO Senator
"It is long overdue for the country to have campaign finance laws. So, with what is happening right now, with the expose from the Dermen Utah trial, how a senior minister, Minister Saldivar, was implicated, all these text messages that came out. It is high time that once and for all we address this issue of campaign financing. It will not be a straightforward, easy matter, but legislation is sorely needed. Discussions are needed to determine what all should be covered. It has been too long where the money that has been secured, many a time from highly questionable sources - external sources have financed elections and campaigns in this country. That, in itself, is not good for our nation because, as most of us would understand, who pays the piper calls the tune. And [those] who should be calling the tune are the voters of this country."
"Do you expect any kind of resistance from the politicians who you all will basically be policing with this campaign finance reforms if they should ever get to that point."
Hon. Osmany Salas
"They won't accept it easily. We have to keep pressing for it."
"In our press release, we refer to what we feel the FIU could start from now. The Financial Intelligence Unit is tasked to do investigations like that when they have reason to suspect that illicit things may be afoot. So, we know for a fact in the NGO community we must abide by certain regulations if our NGOs are to received good-standing certificates on a year-to-year basis from the FIU. The FIU is on us like hawks. Well, let them be like hawks as well when it comes to the politicians, and how they acquire support for campaign financing."
"I personally have received calls from a number of people over the past couple of days, that they want to participate in an event, protest, demonstration, whatever it is, that is led by the social partners."