And while that’s our faint stab at campaign finance reform - the social partners seems much more serious about it. The NTUCB has included it as the very first demand in its six point list of demands. Â
They will take that message to the city streets on Thursday and we asked one UDP senior personality if this heightened pressure is a cause for anxiety:
"Is this for you a time of anxiety or excitement as the UDP faces a future that is very uncertain?"
Hon. Tracey Taegar-Panton - UDP Albert Area Rep
"Well, it has to be a measure of anxiety and I won’t certainly pussy foot around that. But we are very focused on doing what we can do and what I can do is to deliver the Albert Constituency to the UDP in the next general election. We were remaining sober. We continue the work that we do. I will make whatever contribution I can make in terms of supporting the party, in dealing the issues that are before us."