Of course, there’s no right time to make a very difficult decision, but when the first positive test appears, then the options will be far fewer. But at this point, tonight, there have been no confirmed cases of COVID-19 detected in Belize. So far, 300- persons have been singled out for screening. Manzanero provided details:
Dr. Marvin Manzanero - Director of Health Services
"I think it's more than 300 people we have been up to date and it keeps evolving. We can confirm there is no case confirmed of COVID 19. There are two samples that may be processed later on today but it doesn't seem they would follow a clinical pattern to make them a candidate for COVID 19. As we speak here, numbers are just popping up everywhere, Trinidad and Tobago just announced their first confirmed case and what we're tracking for in the region is all imported cases. Most of them are from European importation if you will."