Ariaga also discussed the controversy over the COVID-19 isolation unit being housed at the KHMH. He says it is not ideal, but because ventilators need a steady oxygen supply, it is the only practical choice:
Jules Vasquez
"What do you think of the isolation ward being within the walls of the KHMH?"
Dr. Pedro Ariaga - Head of ICU, KHMH
"Difficult question to answer, because the problem is where else we are going to put that unit? For example, we are talking about patients that supposed to be with mechanical ventilation. For example, if you have a patient that supposed with a mechanical ventilator and they want to use oxygen tanks, you will have to use 6-7 oxygen tanks per day. So you could see the amount of labor constrictions human resources and try avoid any cross-contamination moving tanks moving tanks from off and on the ward. It's extremely difficult to visualize where to put the Isolation unit, because that the only hospital in this country that have an oxygen system that supposed to be closed. We need to get an area to treat these complications. That's a moral and ethical issue and also it's a technical issue because we have to treat those patients. We cannot allow those patients to be on their own if they are really sick."